Friday, October 29, 2010

It's a bird! It's a plane! No! It's a new English Blog Post!

Bienvenue! Bienvenida! Aloha mai! Willkomen! Welcome back to my English Blog. It seems like such a long time since I've posted. Lots of things have gone on since my last post. We had homecoming, it's a new month, and we're starting a new unit.

What? A new unit? No more research projects?

Yes! Now we're starting Short Stories & Literature. We're reading short stories and(wait for it...) Shakespeare! Almost too exciting. Almost. I'm really into the whole Edgar Allan Poe part. I love scary stuff(haunted houses, horror movies, scary books, etc.) even though they make me super-duper paranoid. But I don't love short stories so much. They just never seem to fill me up. And Shakespeare, well, it's a love hate relationship. Love the concept, but I can't understand him at times. But I still love it.

This should be a really fun unit. I'm looking forward to it.
This is me, Megan, Taylor, Madison, Brianna, Jessie, Margaret, Alex, and Melanie after homecoming. It was so much fun! :)

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