Monday, February 7, 2011

In the wild, The mighty wild, Christopher McCandless sleeps tonight...

    Would you drop everything on a dime, giving away your life savings and traveling across the country? Would you abandon your car, your possessions, only leaving yourself to survive with only ten pounds of rice, a gun, some bullets, a camera, and a few books? And then, if someone offered to buy you better clothing, would you refuse? Would you do all this for a journey that would most likely save your life?Could you survive 119 days in the wild?
Christopher McCandless could. And he did.
     Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer profiles the journey of Christopher McCandless as he drops everything and takes off "into the wild" of Alaska. After surviving 119 days living off of wild plants and his instincts, he met his downfall in the seed of a wild potato plant. His journal keeps memory of his excursion and provides for the story of the book. 
     I'm really looking forward to starting this book. Keep up with my blog to find out how it unfolds!

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