Friday, February 4, 2011

Welcome to the Third Quarter! LOL JK, this is actually 4 weeks late. But I need a grade for it.

   Dear Reader,
           Let me start off this post with saying, welcome back! Midterms are done, the second semester has started, and boy am I excited. Quarter 3 has come, and I think everyone has rushed into it with high hopes and good attitudes. Well, I can hope, right?
    DISCLAIMER: The reason this post is so late is because I was absent on the day that this was assigned, and I'm not really the best at keeping up with this blog. Any of my blogs, actually. Fingers crossed that I have all the posts I need!
    Anyways, we're finishing up reading A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, then we're going to be moving on to Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer. I'm pretty excited for that, I've heard it's a good book.
    This school year has gone by so fast! It feels like our first day of school was just yesterday. Over the school year, I've learned a lot of things, but one of the things that really stuck with me all through the year is this:
I'm absolutely serious about this. Before I came to John Carroll, I just leisurely went about my business, having a general idea of where I was supposed to be and at what time I had to be there, and I didn't really pay much attention to being on time. This year at John Carroll, I've learned that a minute can make a big difference in life. Whether it be getting to chorus before 7:25, or getting to from the complete opposite side of the school(floors and all) in four minutes, an extra minute can make a HUGE difference. I think it's really given me a greater appreciation of time management and priorities vs. options. I've also made so many new friends at John Carroll. I'm so grateful for all of them, and I truly don't know what I would do with myself if I hadn't met these people. My friends make my days here at John Carroll so much more enjoyable, and they mean the world to me. So, in closing, I'd just like to express how thankful I am for everyone I've met in my time at John Carroll. I don't think I can express how meaningful their friendship is to me. I truly would be lost if I didn't have these people, this loving group of support and friendship, to share in this amazing high school experience at John Carroll with me. These are the best years of our lives, so they say. And I know for sure that these are going to be some of the best of mine. To the new semester!
Cheers, Kaley

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