Sunday, September 19, 2010

5 Research Paper Questions- Domestic Violence

1. How are children affected by growing up in abusive households?

2. Are people raised in abusive households more or less likely to be abusive in their future relationships?

3. What are the major causes of abuse?

4. What measures can be taken against an abusive person?

5. Where can victims of abuse go to for help, especially if they are threatened?

1 comment:

  1. Kaley,
    Great looking English blog so far! Your posts are thorough and interesting. Your research questions are excellent and should help guide you through a good research process. I have a few minor suggestions. You need an image for some of your blogs. For the one image that won't display, you need to add the image separately with the toolbar on Blogger. See me, if you are not sure. Also, you can remove all of the crazy letter and symbols for the website link and just end it with the first .com. Thank you for your enthusiasm always!
