Friday, September 24, 2010

Domestic Violence notes

Source Citation: "Domestic violence." World of Health. Gale, 2007. Gale Student Resources In Context. Web. 24 Sept. 2010.

  • Domestic violence is a prevalent social issue in the U.S.
  • Est. 2-4 million women report abuse, thousands are  killed (yearly)
  • An estimated(est.) 1/3 of women in the U.S. will be abused in their lifetime
  • Victims 85% Female 15% male
  • More than 3 women killed by abuse daily
  • 70% intimate partner murders are women
  • 10% of women's children also abused
  • Just as prevalent in same-sex realtionships
  • Abuse mostly used as a control device
  • 47% male batterers beat partners 35 a year
  • Mostly hitting, punching, slapping, biting, arm twisting, use of weapon
  • Abusive behavior usually becomes an established pattern, starting with abuse followed by apologies and loving behavior as the cycle becomes increasingly shorter
  • Average victim leaves relationship 7 times before making a permanent break, then risk of injury or death increases
  • Low self image along with degreading comments, shame, and threats prevent victims from leaving the relationship
  • Stress from finances, work, or lack of job is higher cause for violence than alcohol or drug abuse
  • More than 3 million children see abuse in their household, making them 1500 times more likely to be abused or abusive
  • 27% of children make up domestic killings, 90% of whom are under 10  years old, 56% are under the age of 2.

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